The Program
Toys for Kids $5,000 college scholarship was established to honor the legacy of Dave, who believed in upholding high standards and a commitment to the community. This scholarship recognizes exceptional high school seniors who reflect these values and have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to service in their communities.
The Toys for Kids scholarship is unique in that it rewards not only academic achievement but also community involvement and leadership skills. The scholarship aims to help the recipients pursue their academic dreams and make a positive impact on the world.
Through this scholarship, Toys for Kids hopes to inspire future generations to follow in Dave’s footsteps and make a difference in their communities.
Scholarship Details
250 – 300 word double spaced essay on:
“How does continuing your education make you smile every day?”
Use Toys for Kids Scholarship in the subject line.
Description: Academic scholarship for high school seniors graduating in June 2025.
Award Amount: $5,000.00
Academic Year: 2025-2026
Award State: Washington State Residents Only
Award Notification: November 2024
Application Deadline: Applications Closed
Renewable: No
Type of Student: High school students graduating June 2025.
Situations Funded: Tuition and books only (checks will be made to financial institution)
GPA Requirements: Minimum GPA of 2.0
Submission: Applications Closed
Mail To: Toys for Kids – Hendu Scholarship | 11232 120th Ave NE, Ste 111 | Kirkland, WA 98033